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Tips To Calm Your Anxious Dog

Vets sometimes warn pet owners that your pet may suffer from separation anxiety. The foremost reason for this excessive fear of dog is when pet owner leaves the dog at home. There might be several intentions of a dog owner to leave the pet at home. When you come back, you see that your dog is misbehaving. To avoid such an incident, there are some tips that may assist you to calm the dog fear.

Exercise Helps Relieve Stress

Sometimes anxiety causes the energy which is not controllable. Exercise your dog, which helps him feel relaxed and thus he will become stress-free. Exercises will give your dog immense strength with which your dog forgets the fear and come to the normal situation after a couple of hours.

Play Music

Keep playing soft music while you leave the dog home alone. This will engage your dog most of the time. The more the pet is engaged, the more they will play. This also soothes his nerves and helps him stay calm. Special dog music are also available in music shops today or you can browse to find some soulful music for your lovable companion.

Eg – Relax My Dog – Relaxing Music for Dogs

Physical Contact

Try to get closer to your dog and start petting it constantly if you see fear in the eyes. Physical contact will help relieve anxiety, stress, and fear in both humans and dogs.

Get Another Pet

Dogs understand the language of other animals. It is worth to leave your dog with other pet dogs. Once you do this, the dog will mix up with other dogs. Thereby the dog will never feel lonely and it will behave normally when you return from the office.

Use Radio Or TV:

Leaving a radio or TV on for your dog comfort. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety will have certain benefits from background noise generated by TV or radio. This noise will give your puppy or older dog a feeling of having parent even if you are not there. This aids your dog to feel less lonely and stress-free in your absence.

Play Before You Leave The Home:

The dog is hungry for the love of a parent and if they do not get any love they become repine. So, never miss to pet or play with your pet before you leave them alone.

Understand The Nature

If you have a new puppy or younger dog then best tips would be to understand their nature, understand their likes and dislikes. Taking guidance from books and online sources will add essence to understand the temperament of dog before you leave it alone.

Anxiety Treatments

An effective anxiety relief treatment helps your dog to stay cool and relaxed the whole day in your absence. Use behavioral control products for treating your dog. Products like HomeoPet Anxiety TFLN is an excellent option and highly recommended by vets for such anxiety behavior problems in dogs.

Keep One Thing In Mind…

Pet separation may lead to health issues like depression or sudden attack on humans, which may harm you as well as your dog. These health issues can be managed through patience and anxiety control treatments.

Products helpful in dogs anxiety.

Adaptil dog collar

Adaptil Spray
Adaptil Spray for Dogs

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